Sometimes I wonder if all that I've done is worth it
Given the fact that the 'novelty' seems to be wearing off..
And in no time we'll be like almost strangers, isn't that what happens every time?
with love, Weiqian
Finally had the time to update cause tomorrow's an off-day.
It's time to relax and have lots of fun!
For 7 weeks before everything starts again and the cycle continues.
I'll make myself useful this holiday by working (the usual).
And at the same time earn some extra income.
And just a few pictures before I go to bed.
Am totally drained out already!
Fellow B01s and Ms Sue on her last ITBD tut.
And with clique, during DLE presentation.
(This reminds me of all the chionging sessions!)
Shit loads of nonsense happening nowadays..
But I have 2 cute little ones to lighten the mood!
Calorie (Okay maybe I should really stop calling her that cause now everyone knows her as 'Calorie' and not 'Faith')
And my Brandvan babyyyyyyyy. I love him just too much!
My darling okehhh. (:
You know how it feels like to be neither here nor there?
When it's all so bleak and you don't know what's in store for you.
I don't know, just a little aimless.
I want a future-telling machine/device/whatever you call it.
Aye, that aside.
Am most probably going to meet up my secondary school mates soonish.
Those girls I missed so much.
Honestly I don't remember when was the last time all of us had a proper outing.
I really can't wait!
And to clique (KT, Mich, Jodi &PS), we need to meet up one day to make up for Jodi's birthday celebration asap alright. (:
Okeydokey, need to run!
Desperately needing my beauty sleep.
Shall end this with an ugly picture of myself.
Don't laugh ahhhh.
(And I know my tongue looks very long)
Goodbye and goodnight everyone.
AND ADAM LEE, I say you stop calling me a pandi okay, idiot.
with love, Weiqian
Blogger is still not functioning well!!!
Or is it just my laptop?
Last Friday had a BBQ session with the family at cousin's place.
It was enjoyable with all the free-flow of deliciously yummy food.
(Which I ate a lotttt)
But it definitely comes with a price to pay.
Because I fell sick the next dayzxzxzxz.
The fever, flu, cough and sore throat lasted for a few days.
And then followed by my whole body breaking out in rashes.
It was so bad and so disgusting that I refused to go out.
But I've recovered and am all right now!
Visited the doctor thrice in less than a month, which is terrible given the fact that normally, I barely see a doctor once in a year.
The past 1 week I was back at my own place, without internet connection.
Which simply meant I didn't use the laptop at all for 1 whole week!
That's pretty amazing and quite impossible, you know.
But it made me feel disconnected from everythingggg.
Only goes to show how important technology is to us.
Many things going on- some significant, some not so.
Lots of ups and downs, really have no idea how I should react.
Coping and dealing with everything is what I really need to learn.
And what now?
Major exams starting Friday, which I have not started even on the notes.
And it's certainly nothing new.
with love, Weiqian
It's been pretty hectic these weeks, which explains why it is so stagnant here.
Like all the Diner Dash-like games, it was project mania for me.
Today was glued in front of this laptop the entire day to complete my term paper.
So, one down!
Remains are 1 presentation, 1 test and 2 exams.
Vacation break is here.
Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!!!
Oh, wait. Side track a bit.
*I'm sure all of you are aware that blogger is down and the upload pictures button is missing.
So don't expect pictures cause I'm not gonna use photobucket or any other nonsense. (:
Pictures will be up some other day k!
Yes, it's already half a month since the last update.
Kinda lost at what to type right now.
My brain juice is squeezed dry just for the essay.
I can remember vaguely the time I told Aarti quack I wanted the wisdom tooth to grow.
And it's really growingggggg.
Definitely no fun because it hurts bloody a lot.
Went to a dentist and thank god it does not need to be extracted.
For now.
Got antibiotics and a mouth rinse.
Terrible because I hate downing pills and tablets.
Past 2 weeks include spending time with my boy, Brandvan.
Who is adorable to the maxxxxx.
The way he imitates people chatting on the phone.
Also had a picnic with the family at Sentosa one of those days.
Then there is the class party, where Philip Koh(our lecturer) ordered pizzas and some of us brought snacks, drinks and what nots.
And some humongous crabby pincers from the dear parents' birthday dinner.
Meeting Aarti babe for dinner cause she was bored(I think).
Yesterday was out hunting for Michelley's birthday present.
And satisfying some of our random cravings.
I want peanut snow iceeeeeee.
I love you bff. Hahahaha.
(Although your bff is somebody else already ):)
Ok I better go off now.
This post is all over the place, just like me.
And thank you tc for being nice.(See, I told you this last sentence is for you)
with love, Weiqian